Photos are up!!
Finally. Haha I took super long to upload them luh.
But I think they're so nice!! (:
Sam's polaroid.

Neoprint machine, our tradition every year hahah.

HAHA KISSY FACE. Sarah thought we said KC face lol!

We were trying to take a nice picture aft all the races, and it was quite embarrassing..
Cos we were on the pontoon while everyone else was on shore..

Hahaha sam tan going down for her race.

O lvl inspiration, anyone?


Ahhh I love the colours here! :D

Hahah the world through another perspective.

I like how the water and the sky look, plus the many people add to the colour!

Right after the K4 race.

The ending part of the race!! Thrill thrill!

Oooo i like :D So nice how everything can be squeezed in one photo.

Hahah walao this guy sit there, as if he's mocking me liddat. (camera so biggg)

"Crescent crescent!"

Nice white fluffy clouds (:

Omg I love this picture man! Like *boom* we're proud to be Crescentians!

Sec 4!

Hahaha deborah reaching out babeh!

Capsize! :O

Teeheee, lazy to type much.
Needa go do alot of things already,
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