Monday, April 20, 2009

I realised, I should stop looking for answers here and there - in books, quotes, internet, peoples thoughts etc.
Though they may be good or insightful they'll never be what was intended for me.

Through all these, it all boils down to what was first close to my heart, just look to Him and Him alone. In Him, all questions are answered, all problems are solved.

Even though we knew it since the first day we converted, we always lose sight of it along the way, and it really is a pity and a waste of time, going round and round in search for an answer when all along the answer is right under your nose.

It's just like forgetting your roots, but in this case, ignoring your roots. & I'm sure many of us have fallen into that as we enter this vast and highly intellectual world where most people get their answers through logic or theories..

But actually, the only theory we ever need in our life, is the Bible and its words.

What other things can compare?

Nothing, really.. Nothing..

Anyway, that just came to me and I regurgitated it out like diarrhea hahhaa (mr tham taught us that about ss today)

Well anyway, my bro showed me this movie on his iphone and suprisingly I got hooked and continued watching till the end. (this is rare cos.. idk its just rare)

Shan't reveal the movie just as yet, you guys will know after this friday after my CG :D

Anw, I learnt so much through the movie even though it was just some thriller/random movie.

And I found it quite cool too, cos my bro had a revelation through a movie too when I read his blog just now! hahaha so cool man (:

I thought I would be the only one (between both of us) but nope, he did too. yay im happy for us haha.

Cya folks!

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