The Story of the Lost Sheep (dramatized)

Then Jesus told them this parable: "Suppose one of you has a hundred sheep and loses one of them. Does he not leave the ninety-nine in the open country and go after the lost sheep until he finds it? And when he finds it, he joyfully puts it on his shoulders and goes home. Then he calls his friends and neighbors together and says, 'Rejoice with me; I have found my lost sheep.'
God just reminded me of the shepherd and the one lost sheep – the shepherd, knowing that the sheep was lost, left the 99 others and went to look for that one missing sheep.
Even though it was only one sheep, that one sheep mattered a lot to him as well. Thus he didn’t want to miss him out. He was willing to go out to find him despite knowing that he may not find him ever again. He gave his energy and strength and efforts to bring that sheep back to where he belonged. He knew the struggles and fatigue he has to go through in order to find this sheep, but he couldn’t bear to leave him. After all, it was his sheep and it had grown up under him. With the victory over the last conflicting thought, the shepherd took his rod and staff, waterbottle and a little sheep nip if he managed to find him, and set out on his search for the lost soul.
Well and from the sheep’s point of view, the sheep didn’t even know he was heading for danger. Or perhaps ignorance and curiosity got the better of him. He just walked and walked and walked. Well soon enough, a mishap did happen. The sheep had a terrible fall, stumbling into the edge of a hanging cliff as the ground he trod on broke loose and gave way. And at this point of time, the sheep must have been extremely afraid, frightened and terrified, hoping that he shouldn’t have done all those and starts to curse and swear at himself for being such a dimwit for not listening to the shepherd. He just hopes and hopes that the shepherd hopefully will come and save him. But after all the disobedience, would the shepherd come? It was hard to say.
But alas, the shepherd did come! And the sheep is really touched and amazed. The shepherd looks at the sheep with such love and compassion that his rod and staff didn’t even appear! The sheep was teary-eyed. The shepherd then walked over to the sheep which could have very well fallen off the cliff if not for a loose branch lodged between him and the oh-so still air beneath. The shepherd’s shadow loomed over the fearful one and the sheep watched the shepherd with such anticipation. Is he going to push me over? Is he going to kick me like a ball? Is he going to reprimand me for not listening?
Is he going to save me?
The tension of the moment came, as the shepherd reached out his hands towards the sheep, with fear and trembling, the sheep felt the warmth of the shepherd’s hands under his belly. At that moment, he knew and knew all too well, that the shepherd was his hero.
The shepherd pulled him in to safety and dusted away the twigs and leaves that got caught on the sheep’s fur. Then, with all gentleness and TLC, he prepped the sheep on his shoulders, making sure it was comfortable and not in any form of pain. As he walked, he caressed the sheep, talking to him as he did. “Dear little one, why were you so silly as to wander off on your own? The whole flock’s worried sick about you! But there there, you’re alright now. I will nurse your little wound there as soon as we get back.”
“Mehh,” the sheep replied in a soft voice, knowing that his shepherd loved him even more than he did himself. He was safe in his arms, in his warm embrace.
The sheep felt so loved, so cared for, so special, that nothing could ever replace this feeling in his life. This very small act that his shepherd had done, touched him deep down under and it will never be forgotten, ever. Any thought of leaving the flock vanished from his mind because he knew that in this special flock, there was this shepherd who loved him too much. The shepherd who truly cared for him and there was no one else out there that he could find that could ever replace this shepherd, this love in his heart.
It just makes me think about how I've been a good shepherd to those around me.
Do I go all out for them? Do I treasure them the way He does?
Can I comfortably say that, yes, I've impacted someone in this way, so much so that a life changes?
1 comment:
Tnx for dramatizing it manz.. This is a good idea for anyone wanting to teach using this passage to make it more interesting and creative manz..
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