Saturday, October 18, 2008

Just updating for a bit, results were alright (:
As in, I was quite pleased.

My last time's L1R5 is 39.
That was my imbalanced life, pretty much neglecting studies, seeing it as not much of an importance.
(Cos before I heard about glorifying Him in every area of my life, I thought about Him coming back, and they said, live as if he's coming tmr. Haha so if he's coming back tmr, studies wouldn't be much of a use, right?)

Hahaha okay it was quite a happy thought but too bad, I basked in my own joy.

Okay but now, my FYEs improved. 27.
I mean okay, it isn't that good, but hey, that's 12 grades man.
People said I would retain.

My emath teacher said so, so did my dad.
But HA, in your faces.
I mean, God has really been so good to me. I see how it works when you stay faithful even during exam periods now, it's truly amazing.
And like I shared during CYB, I didnt feel emo emo and cry when receiving results.
Cos I know that I've studied my best with whatever time I had left, and I think that within that little amount of time, I covered so much more than I could have.

Okay! So maybe I will type out my eng compo, the one I felt so motivated/inspired by when I was writing it.
HAHA sounds stupid but yeah luh.

Anyway, for that essay I got 22/30! So yay it ain't that bad too (:
Ohoh, HAHA my SS SBQ I bet, was a huge shock to the teachers. Hahaha.

Cos there's 1a,b,c,d.
So each part on a fresh piece of paper luh.
Then I didnt start with 1a.

When the exam was going to end, I took my pen and a piece of paper and wrote
"The purpose of Source A is to convince"

HAHAHA then the paper was totally blank except for that sentence. And I got L1/1!!

I was watching some dance youtube videos,
And seriously, all of them were so pro!!!!!
Up to the point they become freaky. Haha. Esp THIS ONE!

I was like, omg, they make dance seem like a gift given to certain people, and no one else will ever be able to have it.

Another one. Their controlling is soo good ):
I like the whole story plot thingy, as in like, the music flow.

Hahaha, am gonna attempt to learn the "shifting body" thing, cos it's like the easiest.
Then maybe the pacman wave or smth HAHA
Meh.. I realised what noob really is. Lol okay.

Going to sleeeeep nowzzz :D
Enjoy the videos!

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