Tuesday, November 04, 2008

My hives are back.......
So annoying.

3 or 4 times alr..?
Haha. Those who keep tracked can count.
My brother just healed from it, and now it's my turn.

But it doesnt pass luh, it's... an individual thing.

Anyway, my dad said I could go to australia this holidays!!!! :D
Happy happy happy(:

Plus we're going alone! (if we go)
My aunt's staying in australia, so we can go over to visit and stay in her house. Haha.
So cool so cool I wanna go!!

Then I'm gonna bring sexy along (guess who).
She'll be my best friend there wherever I go! (:

But I hope I have time to go.
It's. So. Packed - My hols..
I never knew I was such a busy person.

Hahaha I told you God was preparing me to be a business woman alr!!!!
K, kidding, I dont want also..

Meh, anyway, I think hives came at the right time, cos now I am in need of alot of time, and hives just eliminated training from my busy schedule!!!

So thank God for hives in a way (:

Okay, I've deadlines to meet :S
Seeya soon people!!!(I dont even know who I'm referring to)

(btw, if you seen any cool dance videos or anything, post a comment/ send me the link alright? I need it for research. HAHA. K kidding. But I do need it. Thanks!)

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