Saturday, October 04, 2008

Please save your eyes, dont read if you dont have to.
Posted due to sudden ____? (poor vocab me)

I am so furious I should've entered my (gummy bears) picture for the nuffnang photo thingy!!! The winner's picture is nice... but I hate it when I didn't even send in any picture and you know maybe stand a chance or something.
It's just many what if's.. luh huh.
I don't care I'm going to take part in the next contest haha. C'mon, the prize for this was a Canon EOS 100D!!!! ): I could use a good one, mine sucks, to be honest..

Cos it's like not here not there.
If you want it to be a pro one, then it should be better than this nikon D40x.
If amateur, then I shouldnt have spent so much.
Heh, okay I can't stand it really ): The winner is so fortunate!!
But I cant stand it, she camwhores too much!! Hahah. Okay I should be careful of what I say.
Grrrrrr, and ever since my D40x was dropped (not by me of course), it started screwing up here and there.
Tsk.. I am discontented.

Okay, I'm planning to do many things during holidays.
I should start saving up ^^
Am thinking of getting lenses and extra equipment (: Or maybe start saving up for a new compact camera.
I like ren ting's one ^^
Sorry I'm such a spendthrift, but ey, I would sacrifice quite alot of my materialistic things for the benefits of my camera..

Which just goes to show that I (L)(L)(L)(L)(L) my camera forever! Haha.

Hmm, I'm still planning to go shooting!! (: it'll be like a photography consultation heh heh. So exciting.
And plus i have a pro photographer as a "friend" even though I only "use" him when I need him.

HAHA okay nvm he wont see this anyway. JOIN ME PPL! Let's go shooting together :D (If you're lost, by shooting, I meant taking pictures).

I'm gonna be a electronics(?) freak in the holidays (maybe).
Im gonna improve my ptshp skills, editing skills and whatever else I find interest in.

THEN, on my mission trip (if im able to go), I'd bring my camera along and it would be just the two of us looking into each other's eye everyday (as in plus the purpose of the missions luh).
SO FUN! If you share the same joy, good for you. Haha.

I should name my camera someday. Any ideas?
I feel weird calling it "my camera".
It's like calling your pet dog "eh my dog, come here!"

Oh yes!!! how can I forget, im gonna try studio wu or smth.
With winnie and buanhua (are yall still on??) :D
If not then valencia. Teehee.
I know i cant dance but.... thats why im learning!

Yay i totally feel like an arts person now. Oh yeah, I did mention i wanna learn to draw. Sounds so noob, but yeah thats what i am.
Really eh, i was thinking la, since my mind is pictorial, meaning, i remember things by pictures (they're stickmen btw!),it'd help if i were able to convey my thoughts and feelings through pictures?
Im sure many have seen how horrible my drawings are.
If you've not, haha good for you luh huh.
Yeah, but that one.. Im not really interested teehee.
cos im lazy and i dont like formats and steps.

Alsooooo, i wanna read many many books!!!!!
Like, The case for (all three). Hahah. ah you know all those kind.. Hahah.
Yay im excited.

And then, i'm gonna go shopping!!
Okay that's not really on the list cos i have better things to spend money on..
AH I KNOW, i'll get my mum to get me to buy clothes from london!!! (omg im such a genius :D okay will elaborate abt london later)

her style is diff from mine though, so like what she buy i cant wear even though it looks nice alone? you know what i mean.. Haha.

I wanna play nice songs on the piano, on the guitar so that I can play more songs fluently SO THAT i can have a smooth worship time by myself.
I find myself so stupid.. Cos i try to play and sing together, but the playing always hinders everything haha.. yes shush.

I wanna go and decorate my room!!!!(but thats highly impossible cos i failed last year)paste it with drawings i draw that inspire myself (and hopefully others)

I wanna learn to be more efficient and plan my time better!!!
Yes im improving(Y) REALLY OKAY. I SHOW YOU AH.

ANDDDD, I wanna prepare my diary/journal/planner for next year! :D
so that i'll be motivated to plan more! :D

Yayyyyyyy and above all these, I wanna be able to grow many many in God.
Hols are the time man. i wanna wake up early everyday and not waste my day away by waking up at like what.. 12? and have only 6hours of brightness.
Mahaha kleoiskool.

Okay nvm, so maybe there's a reason why I wasn't selected for London, probably because then, I wouldnt be able to go for missions!! Maybe, just maybe. I'm trying to make myself happy here. Don't burst my bubble.
Wait you know what. My MUM's going to london!!!! I am so like (?!?!?!) with her. Hahaha. I dont mean angry or what, I meant.. WHAT THE HECK?

Why london of all places, purposely rub salt in my healing wound.
Hahah. Since when did we ever get to go to a place like London in our holidays!!! ):
She's going during 7-17 or smth so I CANT GO cos there's church camp! ):

forever make things clash with camp one lorrzz. But too bad, Camp>london. (i realised, its two totally diff places in terms of how spiritual hahaha.
London = wild and high etc. Camp = growth!! out of the world^^)

She'd be with my aunty and uncle anyway, so they'd be doing all the weird things that I had to join them in, like when I went Taiwan last year.

It was quite tiring and fattening cos they consume tons of food each meal and they never missed a meal!! Ok I hope they dont eat so much in London, cos srsly, the food there is oil.
Okay maybe not entirely, but you know.. fast food comes from the west.

OOH one more thing. I. Am. The. Ultimate.
I was late for sch today, 5mins late.
My dad fetched me though.

Because last night, I fell asleep while studying SS + Lit (GM.
I woke up at 3am and found that I fell asleep while studying! (I almost kicked my tablet off my bed)
So i cleared my stuff to the floor and went to sleep.
Aghh I hate it yknow.

I hate being late. I don't like councillors asking me for my name.
I don't like to write anymore essays cos I totally waste my pen ink scribbling nonsense about discipline, punctuality, respect and what else...

I have something against my sch too.
They are such result-freaks! As in the sch system not the students.
Everything given to motivate us is about STUDIES. Like what, without hardwork there is no success (cant rmb), and what,
perseverance is not a long journey, its many short journeys in one (talking abt o's)
And the worst of all, they contradict themselves saying, Character is destiny!
We must develop strength of character and promote our school motto.
Yes i totally agree on developing strength of character, but our sch doesnt even give us opportunity to develop it!!
All the trips given, are to aid in our Knowledge about more things in the world.
You'll seldom see a trip that brings you around in order to grow your moral values etc. Like maybe compassion, uhh resilience? wdv luh see now i dont even know what moral values there are haha.
i mean there WAS.. like trips to sarawak etc to help the ppl there.
but now its cancelled to save money for our sch facilities.. for the future sch thingy. its soooo wanna-kill-them.
they care too much abt sch reputation and carving a name and all. dont you think so?
when i first stepped in i could feel the boring kinda life.
at first it quite proved me wrong in sec 1 and 2, because of the sch culture last time and cos the sec 3s and 4s that time were gonna graduate alr.
but now.. haha.
and actually, i quite enjoy listening to cme lessons cos they were the only REALISTIC ones. the rest just kills.. and drives you up the wall (and maybe you can, cos you would've been a robot by that time)
They say, studies help you develop perseverance and moulds your character so that you'll be ladies and leaders of tommorow.
Mould what character? You dont need character to be able to score well..
And they use studies and results as a reason or itself, to mould our characters.
Seriously man.. I can't stand it leh. Not that it isn't a good school.
But I find there's something missing, and sch feels so dry.
I enjoy studying more now, but not because my sch is studyschool.
that would make me hate it actually.. ahhh well.
and because the sch moulds the students, its nowonder people also end up like the sch.
Ah maybe its not anything close to the truth, but haha i srsly feel there's something missing.
YEAH OKAY, my emotions are all thrown out alr, I feel quite peaceful now.

Thank you for your time, God bless you ^^

PS. Thanks Cheryl for your help in soooo many subjects and for all your notes love you man ^^ and zuoen for your amaths crash course in 30mins.
PPS. Yuxin's bday celebration rocks!
PPPS. I still need help in time management though (:
PPPPS. Cleo is so dead, cos she needs to bathe and do amath but its like 0106 now and i have amath rem tmr at 8 in sch. si le la.

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